Is Your Trendy Resume Hindering Your Job Search?

Every day we receive and review countless resumes, many of which are visually stunning. They come with colorful sidebars, intricate designs, and multi-column layouts that are quite impressive. At first glance, such trendy designs might seem to reflect a candidate’s attention to detail and creativity.

But here’s the million-dollar question: Are these eye-catching designs helping or hurting your job search?

Want to stand out on LinkedIn Nordstrom Williams

Want to Stand Out to Employers on LinkedIn? Follow These 3 Tips

LinkedIn is your resume in social media form, and ‌it’s become just as important as your paper resume. Below are a few simple updates you can make to increase page views and job offers on LinkedIn. 1. Your Profile Photo Should Look Interview-Ready Dressing to impress for an interview is obvious. What’s less obvious is …